Saturday, November 7, 2009

Grateful to be human!


ENTRY 091107

Salam, huhu...two more exams to go...insyallah i’ll do my best. So far the question was ok, i’ve tried my best and the rest will be decided by Allah. In just few more days, my first semester in Gombak will be over. Well ,for the first semester we’ll always finish early but by the time we’re in senior year, i knew it’ll never be the same again.

So far many things had happened in my life. Allah had showed me the colour of life, the people, their behaviour, the like and dislike, background and personality. It’s kind of funny when i tried to flash back the moment i spent here. I met different kind of people with each and everyone differ in personality.

It’s funny how someone always talked about someone else whether it’s about good or bad thing but never think about themselves. Actually they are not good either, so in my opinion, why talk about others when u don’t really know them and the most important thing is take a look at yourself first before you talk about others. Because we’re human, we’re prone to mistakes so we’re not perfect. We shouldn’t talk bad about others. It’s not a good attitude.

Another thing i notice here is that actually, there’s no perfect human being in this world. Before, i always had this mentality ” He/she is good, she’s must be good in other subject also, it’s great, she’s must be really lucky” . But then i realized, actually she/he’s not that great, it’s not that he/she score in every subject (there’s some but few) why should i feel low self-esteem? The truth is Allah gives everyone chance, it’s just whether we noticed and take the opportunity or not. Why should we feel envious since Allah the Great one is giving everyone the same chance, we should be happy for the success of others and take their success as an inspiration for us to move forward and be better person.

As what my roommate, Kak Salwa said ” It’s good if we’re always on the top from the beginning but and it’s not that bad if we’re starting from below and strive hard to get to the top because we had feel the difficulties and we knew how it feel to be at the bottom so that if we ever failed, we’ll not felt so depressed because we have once be at that level so we knew how to overcome it”.

Human are very interesting, although Allah created us in the same form and same set up , we differ in personality. I love to know new people since i can experience new attitude, culture and way of thinking. Lately i don’t really make new friends since i’m busy with study but i promise to be better.

In achieving success, there’s so many things to be accounted in. I’m aiming for good cgpa but i hope i can be a well rounded person where i ‘m not only success in academic but also in social life, personality, family, friends and the most important is the al-akhirah knowledge. Only then i can called myself half success because another half of my success in decided in the Yaumul al-Din, the Day of Judgement.

To recall muslim had two basic world, the Al-Dunya and al-akhirah, the end of Al-Dunya is not the ultimate ending of our life but actually the new start of Al-Akhirah. Only in there is our ultimate and long lasting life. Everything that is been done in this world is actually the preparation for the next world so that we know there’s purpose of life and to decided the divine justice.

Some people said i’m too matured at my age, hehe...i don’t know it’s just that i’m being myself, nothing else. Well maybe i like to think. There’s always something that’s playing in my mind. Because i know there’s always something more in life. My knowledge is limited, i need to gain as many as possible before my life end because life is so short, i don’t want to waste it . It’s ok to play and relax with friends but there’s always a limitation. Even in islam we are told to organize our time wisely and wasatiyyah is the best practice. Wasatiyyah is the Arabic term for moderation.

It’s like a long journey where i’ll take some time to recharge myself and then continue my journey until the day of Resurrection where the muslim people will be assembled and stand for the Hisab and the next destination will be decided. Before that time come, i need to make a preparation and this life is my test, it’s where i’m going to learn so many things and experience lots of things.

Also sometimes u just have to discipline yourself , YOU YOURSELF have to do it, others can’t. Because i always hold to this stand’ If i want something, i was the one who must worked hard for it, never waited for others to give it to you because i want it, i must worked hard for it. To achieve something you must pay, and the price is EFFORT. 90% of success comes from effort only 10% is luck. So start correcting your behaviour now and the most basic thing is solat, Insyallah when you can keep your solat on time, other things will followed..

Also as a muslim, we are not being created blindly. There’s 3 main purpose, which is to worship Allah SWT, to represent Allah as His khalifah and we had the amanah to carry on. (Quranic verse: 57:56, 6:105,83:72.) Therefore, we need to expand our wisdom and mindset that there’s actually more to do in our life and more to learn. Never limit yourself to certain matter only.

Since i’m left with just two more paper , it’s better to stop my writing here at the moment. Just for some reminder, human being is being honoured and been raised far above most other creature, don’t you feel grateful?

“We have honoured the sons of Adam, provided them with transport on land and sea, given them for sustenance things good and pure, and conferred on them special favours, above a great part of our creation.” (Quran 17:70)